Sunday, March 14, 2010

The calm before the storm

Dave, a co-worker of mine, is raising a son in middle school. We often laugh together over "boy stories." This week he told me raising children is like the term, "the calm before the storm." That really got me thinking because it's so true. For example, on Wednesday this week, Jay thought it would be funny to give his brother a push (Remember what I wrote about Nick's gross motor skills?) and Nick lost his balance and fell in the mud, at the very second the bus drove up. I had no other choice but to put Nick on the bus with his very muddy pants (I knew he had a clean pair at school). That night when Jay got home from school he had to scrug Nick's pants in the kitchen sink until every last mud stain came out. So, that was that and then I had a few days of calmness in my house, in fact the week ended really well. However, as is always the case in human/mother nature, the storm returned with a vengeance. The boys spent the night at their grandparents house and were playing in a chair that swivels. The boys were taking turns on the chair, giving each other "rides" and Nick had apparently worn out his welcome on the chair. Jay decided to take matters into his own hands and abruptly pulled Nick off the chair. Nick landed against the corner edge of the woodwork, inflicting a big gash on the side of his head. Jay felt horrible and started to cry, Nick was crying and according to my in-laws, it was quite a fiasco. My husband is very resourceful when it comes to first aid "tricks" and super-glued Nick's gash. It was either super glue or a hospital visit that would require holding Nick in a head lock while they stuck a needle into his head, something neither Mike or I were really excited about. As I'm writing this, it's 3 hours post-accident and Nick is doing just fine, laughing and playing with his super glued head.
Now that the storm has unleashed its fury and moved on I'm anticipating a few days of calmness and sunshine.

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