Sunday, March 28, 2010

Potpourri - In other words, a hodge-podge blog

Before the neck slimmer
After the neck slimmer. Clearly, I wasted $30, which I can't get back! Grrr! My good friend, Debbie, came for a visit the other day. These are her boys with my boys. They range in age from 8 years to Nick, the youngest, who will be 4 on April 30!

Notice the pretty placemats. My Great Grandma Clara (R.I.P. Grandma) crocheted these. I used them at dinner tonight and Mike (the neat freak that he is) said I was nuts to use white, handmade crocheted placemats with two little boys who were about to partake in messy tacos. I quickly pointed out to Mike that I knew Grandma would be smiling down in heaven to see her great, great grandsons using her placemats. When dinner was over, there was taco meat/sauce all over the placemats but I didn't care. I'll wash them and they will be good to go for the next meal. It gave me joy to use something my great grandma took so much time in doing.


Steph said...

Are you sure it isn't just a little bit slimmer? hehe...

The Stille's said...

I think I see a little difference