Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Glass is still half full

In January I made some resolutions. How have I done in keeping them? So/So! My efforts in getting to church have been about 50/50. A few Sundays ago, Jay was the acolyte so Mike attended service with us. What a difference it makes in the boy's attitudes to have their father in church! It was such a relief for me. Normally, I'm chasing Nick out from under the pews. I've actually had church members touch my shoulder when the boys get up for children's time and tell me to keep with it.
My finances are coming along. Unfortunately, Ann Taylor, has gotten a hold of me of lately. Ha! In all seriousness, I'm coming along and learning as I go.
I've been able to spend a lot of time with the boys lately, which has been really nice. Nick and I spent last week at the park and Jay and I are headed to visit his great grandmothers on Thursday.
I left my last resolution for last because it's the most depressing! This working out/watching your weight thing is for the birds. It annoys me when when I hear people say, "You have to make yourself a priority." Really, how do you do that? I start my day at 5 a.m. - If you're saying to make myself a priority (to work out) I have to get up at 4:30, NO THANKS, to me that is not making myself a priority, that's just making me more exhausted than I already am. Last night I worked out after Nick went to bed and barely slept a wink because I was so wired. I've come to the conclusion I have no idea when I'm going to make time for a work out during my day which translates to eating NOTHING which makes me cranky! But again, I'm learning as I go. I'm sure I'll figure out something. And on anther note but somewhat related, my neck slimmer really let me down, in fact, I think my neck looks worse. I'll need to add that to my finances resolution and start saving for neck surgery!

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