Monday, March 8, 2010

The Saw & The Chisel

Mike likes to compare Jay to a saw and Nick to a chisel. The reason being is Jay's gross motor skills are so good but Nick's excels using his fine motor skills. In Mike's wood shop, Jay will usually use a saw because it's bendable and he can move his body back and forth while using it. As long as Jay's body is in motion, he's a happy boy. For example, we have a large banister that goes from our upstairs to our main level. Jay wraps his legs around the banister and slides down it. I've seen Jay jump from such heights that he looks like one of those flying bats. Just yesterday I witnessed the boys running through the timber together, all the while, Nick was tripping on braches while Jay was gliding like an experienced ice skater. However, I've also seen Jay in tears over anything that requires his fine motor skills. On Valentine's Day he had to lace a piece of yarn through a heart and it was more than he could handle. Of course, Jay closely mirrors me. I refuse to sew buttons on and take everything to my mother in law (thanks Linda). My fine motor skills are awful and I try to avoid doing anything that requires them.
Nick is just the opposite. His fine motor skills are much stronger and Mike is right, when he goes to the shop, he'll grab a chisel and gently smooth a piece of wood, fine tuning it until it's perfect. On the other hand in the last 24 hours I've seen him run into an oak door, fall head first off our couch and just yesterday I was sitting down on a step putting my shoes on and he literally tripped right over me.
Certainly each of the boys have their own strengthens. I have visions of one day Jay and Nick helping each other build their homes. Jay, the dare devil would happily do all the roofing work and Nick, my son with an attention to detail would do the fine wood working on the inside of the house. What a team my boys will make!

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