Over the weekend, my three boys provided me with some laughs. It started off with Jay. I was on my elliptical and watching the movie, "Did You Hear About The Morgan's?" Jay came down & asked me what I was watching. I told him and he responded by saying, "No, I haven't, so what are you watching, mom?" Again, I said, "Did you hear about the morgans?" By this time Jay was starting to run out of patience with me and said, "NO, mom, I haven't heard about the Morgan's but I would like to know what movie you're watching!"
Then the other night at dinner, Jay was complaining that he didn't have a Nintendo DS. He said that during the day he had to ride in between two children who had DS's and they played their game the entire ride (Oh boo-hoo). He was basically moping around about it and nothing annoys Mike more than feeling sorry for yourself, especially over a video game. Mike doesn't even crack a smile and says, "I don't know what you're complaining for, Jay, it was a beautiful day, instead of worrying about a video game, why weren't you looking out the window during the drive, admiring the scenery?" Jay knows better than to talk back (to Mike anyway) so he didn't say anything but If I could read his mind I'm sure he was thinking, "You know dad, you're 100% lame, do you even remember what it was like to be a kid?" I know that's what he was thinking because it was certainly what I would have thought when I was 8!
The other night the four of us were driving to dinner when Nick announced to us that he wanted to drive a monster truck but that his monster truck would be special. He wanted to cover his truck in penguin and giraffe stickers! Then out of the blue at dinner he said (very loudly I might add), "Did you know giraffe's have bones?" Our family can be talking about nuclear war and Nick would somehow bring penguins and giraffes into the conversation. He then proceeded to tell us that he wanted to one day be a giraffe keeper and clean them. When we pointed out that cleaning/bathing a giraffe is almost impossible, Nick had a solution, he said he and his dad would just build a really, really tall ladder! Keep dreaming big, Nick!