Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My niece

Lately I've felt like my blog is totally lame, like I have nothing really creative to write about. But I realized I had not shared my time with my niece, Lauren, from when she spent the night with us. Isn't the picture cute? Like I always tell Nick, I told her the same thing, that I couldn't even take her seriously with her face all squinted up like that! Ha.
We enjoy having Lauren and I always want her to remember her Aunt May May's house and the time in she spent in the country. However, now that she's 2 1/2 she is really proving to be more of a city girl. I also discovered there are two HUGE differences between her and the boys. The first difference is she can entertain herself -Wow, what a concept but one I am not familiar with. When I brought her home on Friday evening I had to unload my car. Lauren pranced right downstairs to our basement and played contently by herself - Something my boys only do when they are threatened (you know the threat, "Boys, you go down to that basement and play and don't come up or else!). The second difference is she is scared of nearly everything - a huge difference from the boys, who are scared of nearly nothing. She enjoyed playing on our play ground but when I asked her if she wanted to go down the slide, she replied, "No May May, too scary." She is also petrified of loud noises so when Mike started his chain saw with her about 20 feet away from him, I thought she was going to have the big one!
We have good times together! Kim and I really raise them more as brothers and sister than of cousins. I only pray they will remain as such as they grow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cute picture of Lauren!