Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hide & Seek

Last night Jay begged me to play hide and go seek in the yard with him. When it was my turn to hide Mike suggested I hide in the shed. So picture this - I'm back in the shed hiding behind the lawn mower and smell this horrendous stink! I'm also in the squatting position, a position that isn't as comfortable at 36 as it was at 21 and I'm worried about some mouse sneaking up behind me. Additionally, I was trying to keep out of the cob webs and plug my nose to keep from inhaling that horrible smell! After about 10 minutes I could no longer feel my legs (from being in the squatting position) I actually started to enjoy the quiet time, even in the stink! Eventually the boys found me and Mike discovered the smell was a dead mouse - Ewwww!
When it was Jay's turn to hide he choose to hide in the garbage can so needless to say we all needed showers last night!

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