Saturday, August 28, 2010

Brotherly "love"

Since having Nick and seeing how the younger child takes so much "abuse" from the older child I have apologized to my sister profusely. Being four years older than Kim I took every opportunity to terrorize her. And bless her heart, she rarely narked on me. Jay is no different than I was - only more physical! Jay is either so nice to his brother or so terrible to him - there is no in between. Nick's favorite animals in the world are penguins and giraffes. Just the other morning, while in the car (which are where most of our fiascos occur) he asked Nick if he was aware of the "fact" that giraffes eat penguins. Immediately, Nick started wailing which prompted Jay to start calling him a baby which makes Nick cry even more - Okay, so you get the picture. It's really just another typical drive to school in the Siebert van. But every so often I get a glimmer of what a sweet older brother Jay can be. The other day we were at the beach (in our subdivision) when a neighbor boy started calling Nick a baby. Jay came to Nick's defense and told this boy to knock it off, his brother wasn't a baby - which was interesting to me since Jay calls Nick a baby at least 10 times a day - but that aside it was good to see Jay sticking up for his little brother. It's that old truth that you can talk nasty about your family as much as you want but nobody else can!
Today Nick wasn't feeling well and was crying (I know I'm mentioning Nick crying a lot in his blog but really he doesn't cry too often) and Jay came up to him and got him to stop crying by telling him a hilarious story, which made all of us laugh. Nick stopped crying and broke out in gales of laughter from hearing his brother's story (which was about farting, of course). Then there was the time when Jay was four and Nick was a baby. I had taken Jay with me for Nick's shots. When Nick got his shots and started wailing Jay broke out in song, "You are my sunshine."
As I've aged I have realized there is nothing like a sibling. I tell Jay all the time that when he and Nick are grown and Mike and I are dead (I know, I know, terrible thought but it's true) there is no one who will know his history and where he came from more than Nick and no one who will laugh more with you over those crazy childhood stories!


Steph said...

Cute stories! It is so true---family! Gotta love em. Oh and did I mention, I'm the 'baby' and my sister used to terrorize me (lock me in closets, etc) and I would cry and when she called me a baby, I'd cry some more! =)

The Stille's said...

I can just picture the whole thing happening one day they will appreciate each other the way we appreciate each other. Love ya sis