Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Recently, there has been some chatter around our house about which girl likes which boy and who is passing notes or who is calling who. Jay got a very urgent phone call from one of his friend's this week. I picked up the phone and his friend immediately said, "Amy, I must talk to Jay, I have shocking news for him." I was thinking, Oh my, did he just discover they have a test tomorrow that we didn't know about? Jay proceeded to get on the phone and you must know Jay, talking to him is like talking to a mute - He doesn't say much. There were some smirks and giggles on Jay's end but that was about it. The conversation lasted an entire one minute. Jay got off the phone and said his friend liked this one particular girl but then he found out that this girl liked Jay instead! He could have cared less. He says girls are sissy - Hello Jay that's why we're girls! I'm so glad I'm blogging all this so I can remind Jay of his silly comments when he comes home lovestruck with his first girlfriend or better yet, his future wife. Poor Jay, with all these blogs, he doesn't have a prayer. Then tonight he tells us the best revelation yet. A girl he sat with at lunch today whispered in his ear that she liked him. As he is telling us this he has no expression on his face. He doesn't gush, smile or even roll his eyes. He just said it so matter of factly. Mike and I asked him if he liked her, we got a big "N-O." I had to bite my tongue to keep from telling that someday he won't be saying that. I was warned that the "who likes who" starts early and clearly it does but ready or not, here we go.


Steph said...

Oh my goodness! So funny. What grade? 4th? WOW! I forget those days! hehe!

Katie said...

HA! I love it. Enjoy these days while he's not interested and Mommy is still the best girl around! :)