Friday, October 1, 2010

Purple eyes & hair loss

Mike has taken a lot of insults lately and he's not even aware of it. Just this week Jay and I got in the car to go to football. Once we were alone in the confines of the car Jay asked me, "Mom, why does dad have those big purple things under his eyes and what are they?" I had to chuckle to myself. I told Jay those were called BAGS and daddy has them because he's exhausted - he just won't admit it. Then last night Jay decided he wanted to take a walk down "memory lane" and pull out his scrapbooks I've made him - which I was very touched by. As we were looking at the pictures of Mike holding Jay when he was a baby, Jay again said, "Wow, mom, look at all the hair dad had when I was a baby." In the past when Jay has commented to Mike on his hair loss, Mike is quick to blame the boys! Ha. He says he's losing hair from all the years of parenting he's already put in so he figures by the time Nick is 18, he will be bald.
Mike may have big bags under his eyes and the top of his head may be shinier than it was when I married him but he's still that sweet 21 year old boy who showed up at my door step on a rainy night in April 1994.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Aww! This is funny and sweet. Poor Daddy.