Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mary's dinner

My college roommate and dear friend, Mary, got married in December. Mary has been a really good friend to me and she is so nice and genuine. I had fretted what to get her for her wedding. Mary is a successful, established woman - so I was really in a quandary as to what to get her but I knew I wanted to do something special for her. My mom came up with the idea of hosting a dinner for her so that's what we did. My mom was kind enough to open her home and her and I worked together to make the meal. It was so fun and intimate. My sister and Mary's mom and brother joined us. Congrats again, Mary and John!
The newlyweds!
My mom preparing her beautiful table.
The grill master, my husband! He prepared the meat, transported the grill and grilled the meat for us. Thanks Mike, you're the best husband!

1 comment:

Nathan and Megan said...

What a great idea! Love it! I will keep you posted on "Craft Club" with a blog post soon. Thank you for the encouragement!