Saturday, March 19, 2011

This is how I found Nick this afternoon. Jay looked just as muddy except he didn't have the spikey mud hair and face. Jay decided he would spike Nick's hair with mud and Nick - being the eager to please younger brother - agreed. Nick had mud EVERYWHERE - in his nose, ears, and not to mention all over his face. It took a lot of scrubbing which he did not like it. Geez, what a mess! The boys knows that when they choose to get this muddy then before they even enter the garage they have to get hosed down in our back yard. It's mid-March in central Illinois so it's only 50 some degrees. One can imagine how cold it is to have hose turned on you! But the boys always seem willing to "suffer the consequences" in order to get their mud fix.

1 comment:

The Stille's said...

wow...thats all I have to say is wow