Thursday, March 22, 2012

Our new morning routine

The weather this March has been unbelievable.  It's been 60 and 70 degrees the past two weeks.  The buds are budding on the tress and everything is looking green again.  And for March in Central Illinois this never happens.  But the boys and I have taken full advantage of it.  Because the weather has allowed us to and because we have a new puppy the boys and I have been walking to school.  I drive my boys to school everyday because we live about 12 miles from school.  But lately I have been driving to the post office - which is in the center of town and the boys and I walk the rest of the way to school.  We put Copper on a leash and walk the remaining 5 blocks to school.  We love it!  It's good exercise for Copper and I and it lets the boys burn off some energy before they start their school day.  But mostly I am so thankful that I have a job that allows me to spend this time with my children.  There is nothing like having a leisurely morning with your children.  And although there are many mornings I can't wait to drop them off at school, our new morning routine has really helped slow things down and it's helped me "set the tone" for the day.  I tend to forget all the things that went wrong at home during that 5 block walk.

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