Thursday, March 29, 2012 month later

We've had Copper exactly one month now.  How's it been?  Really well.  Waiting until the boys were the ages they currently are was the right thing to do.  Plus it's really nice that I do work from home.  I believe we've been able to get her house broken faster because I'm consistently letting her out.  I made a quick, fun list of what I love about her and what I don't so much love about her.  LOL

What I love about her
*she's almost house broken
*she's really smart
*she is loyal and loves the boys
*she makes me stop working during the day to let her out and sometimes we get in a quick walk.  It's been a really nice part of my day

What I don't so much love about her
*she isn't quite house broken but she's oh so close
*she does sleep through the entire night but once she's up in the morning.....she wound like a top and there is no sleeping in for anyone in the house

Overall things have gone really well and Copper has been the perfect addition to our family. 

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