Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Conversations with Jay

Now there's a blog post I never thought I'd write about......conversing and Jay usually don't get used in the same sentence but recently Jay has enlightened me with some conversation that I've found rather engaging.  Jay is involved in track right now so were spending A LOT of time in the car together.  Most of the time Jay is way more interested in playing on his phone than talking to me but as I've always said with Jay........ya gotta wait for it.  Below are some highlights of the conversations we've had the last 2 weeks.
*Jay told me he feels like he's getting older because he's not as interested in playing at froggie island anymore (say it aint so) but despite that he still somehow manages to grab his brother, his shovel and my brown eyed and blued eyed boys take off on their bikes together.  I also hear the banging of nails into a tree that Jay is working on for his tree house so in my opinion I had to agree to disagree with him on that one.
*He's had lots of God questions lately.  I've really witnessed Jay growing spiritually in his walk with God in the last 9 months.  He told me just last night that he does wonder sometimes what God is all about and if he's real.  I responded by telling him it's completely normal to feel that way.  He went on to tell me he'd been praying for a friend and nothing was happening which frustrated him.  I told him that we can pray about something really hard and sometimes the answer is just No - there may be no explanation and often there is not.  He said he can't understand how 7 billion people in this world will all fit in heaven.  I told him that as humans there are things we just can't and won't ever understand but the one thing I understand for myself personally is God loves us, he sent his only son to die for us and despite what questions you have (and it's certainly okay to have questions) I always come back to the main event and main character - Jesus.  I am encouraged by Jay's questions and I like that he's thinking about this stuff.
*Last week Jay had grandparents day at school and his Nana went with him.  He was nervous about it but only because he didn't want to be the only one who had a grandparent show up - as if!  My mom went that day and had a good time.  That evening I asked Jay how his day was and he said good.  I went on to ask him how grandparents day was and there was a slight lift in his voice and he said his usual good again and then proceeded to play on his phone.  I left it at that.  When we were almost home (again I waited for it) he told me he really had a nice day with Nana and he enjoyed her coming to the school.  I was touched and so was Nana. 
*Yesterday Jay told me he plans on working really hard on his basketball skills so he can play basketball in college and then go onto to play for the NBA.  This isn't the first time he's said this nor do I think it will be the last.  I have to bite my lip every time he mentions this because I don't want to squash his "dream,"  but I also know it's not gonna happen - I'm just saying.  He'll figure it out soon enough on his own and according to my mom (who taught middle schoolers for years) most middle school boys have the same "dream" to play for the NBA! 

On that note, I don't want track season to end (despite how painfully long and boring the meets can be).  Keep on talking, Jay, your momma is loving it!

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