Friday, April 4, 2014

I have left my blog on the low end of my priority list lately.  I feel like I have my "creative juices" flowing and the boys still provide me with good material, I just haven't had time lately and I'm blaming the weather too.  I'm going to try to make blog a priority in April!  Just a quick run down of our week:
Jay has track practice every night after school.  Jay is at his best when his schedule is busy.  As a parent it's a balancing act but as a family we do pretty well with it. 
Mike went to Jay's parent meeting for track on Tuesday.
I had book club this week on Tuesday.  Did I mention Tuesday was busy?
Nick is taking a basketball class with a friend which started on Wednesday night.
Jay had small group on Thursday night.
Nick decided to do his own science experiment and has buckets set up throughout our yard to catch rain water - don't ask.
Nick's four wheeler officially won't start.  Another "job" to add to Mike's never ending list.
Some pipe in the basement exploded last night.  I woke up at 12:30 a.m. to the sound of bursting water.  Not the best sound to hear in the middle of the night.  The good news is I heard it instantly and therefore we avoided a flooded basement. 
Jay had girlfriend problems this week (welcome to middle school, folks) and now claims he's "done with girls and all their drama."  Oh boy!  He told Mike he finds girls annoying and my response was, "And so it begins, Jay."  As if I don't annoy Mike and as if he doesn't annoy me (sometimes).  Ha!
We had a ton of rain and it's still freezing here.  I'm so over this winter.  Mike seemed to have fixed our roof leak to the tune of $30 after we've already spent $1000.  Who knew $30 was all it took to fix it?  And so it goes. 
On a light note, the boys and I are obsessed with "The Newsboys" new CD, "Restart."  We listen to it constantly and considered they are a Christian rock band I get great joy hearing them belt out the lyrics.  I am headed off for a girls weekend with my childhood friends, Tracy and Lindsay this weekend.  I am so excited!  I'll post pictures next week. 

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