Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

As I type this at 7:00 pm on Memorial Day I'm so tired I can hardly type but I'm tired for good reasons and I'm thankful.  My weekend was spent with family and friends and it doesn't get any better than that.  My weekend started on Friday with lunch with my sister and mom for Kim's 36th birthday.  On Saturday we went as a family to our neighbors birthday party.  I was really proud of my boys.  Jay was great with the younger kids and Nick and N. were the same peas in a pod they always are.  On Sunday the boys went to Nana's and their grandparents and Mike and I got hang out with friends which was long overdue.  Mike and I hadn't spent time with friends or each other without kids in probably 9 months - ridiculous.  Anyway, these friends are parents of some of Jay's friends and we really enjoyed ourselves.  On Monday the Ausili's and my mom came over for lunch and I got to try out some Pioneer Woman pulled pork.  It was yummy!!  The kids, as always, love playing together.  They went to froggie island and put a sprinkler on the trampoline and played basketball, hence the picture above.  I got a picture of these 4 kids last year about this time and just even a year later they look so grown up.  Faith is 14, Jay and Curtis are 12 and Nick is 8.  Time flies.  The weather was perfect this weekend (unlike last year).  The only disappointing factor was Mike had to work - A LOT.  He worked about a 24 hour shift on Saturday that bleed into Sunday.  This Memorial Day I am thankful for my freedom and the Americans who laid down their life for it.  Feeling very blessed this Memorial Day....and very tired - ha!

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