Sunday, May 11, 2014

Lordy, Lordy, I'm 40

 Okay I don't want to brag but seriously don't I have some good looking friends and a beautiful mom and sister?  I love this picture and it to me it represents 40 perfectly!  I am surrounded by two of my dearest friends and my mom and sister.  Forty looks pretty good. 
 My sister and my mom came out for drinks and appetizers.  Mary, John, Mike and Jenny came for dinner and Mary and John spent the night.  I had such a fun 40th birthday.  It was spent just the way I like it, nice and low key with my favorite peeps. 
 Jenny and I.  I mentioned that when you turn 40 you should have a few friends who knew you when you were twenty and Jenny and Mary did.  Bless their hearts too because they say I haven't changed a bit.  See why I love them? 
 Mary and I. She was my college roommate and she set Mike and I up on our first (blind) date.  She remembers Mike and I during our dating years - priceless.  Love her. 
 My sweet husband.  He worked so hard in the weeks leading up to my birthday.  He finished the fireplace just in time (I'll post pics next week).  Mike likes to joke that he may be older, he looks younger - brat!  We met when I was 19 and he's still that same rock solid 21 year old boy who showed up on my door step 20 years ago. 
 I often joke about vodka in my blog.  Okay, I enjoy vodka - not too the point where it's a problem but dangit I'm 40 and I enjoy vodka - hence something my friends all know and love about me.  I was pretty excited to receive my fine gifts above.  Watch out summer, here I come!
                                                                        The crew!
 Laura and I, another one of my favorite peeps.  She came late because her daughter had a soccer game.  She is my neighbor and a very close friend.  We've been friends for 10 years and I am so blessed to have her in my life. 
Just a silly picture.  Nick loves John!  To sum up my 40th birthday I'd say LOVE!  I felt so loved!  I am truly blessed.  I am looking forward to the next 10 years.  My close friend, Vanessa, joked with me that now we are aiming for 50!  40 is exhausting, she said.  I can believe that. The next 10 years will be spent in the trenches with parenting but at this point in my life I wouldn't have it any other way. 

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