Thursday, May 1, 2014

Happy 8th Birthday, Nick

 Nick's 8th birthday was yesterday and as of today the birthday festivities are over.  He had his party on Saturday and we had a quiet dinner and cup cakes last night.  It was simple, just the way we like it.  Ha!  I posted a picture of Nick on Facebook yesterday, wishing him Happy Birthday and someone commented that he is such a sweet soul.  I thought it was a very kind comment and so true.  Nick really is a sweet soul.  He's thoughtful, funny and smart as a whip (make sure you know your science facts when you're around him).  He struggling in reading and writing but that appears to be his only area of difficulty.  The ideas this kid comes up with are really amazing at times. 
 Jay had a track meet last night so he wasn't here Nick's birthday night, much to Nick's delight.  Nick was thrilled he got to spend the evening with just Mike and I.  Jay gave him his present the night before his birthday - an UnderArmor bag for basketball and two pieces of heavy equipment he can play outside with.  Nick's really into playing with heavy (the smaller version, ha) equipment with his friends at recess. 

 And here's his sweet face.  Happy Birthday, Nick.  We love you.  As Mike and I told him last night our family was complete when we had him. 
 And here are two of Nick's not so sweet faces.  I'm including these pictures so I don't forget this annoying season in my life with him - not because I want to embarrass him in later years, however tempting that may be.  These faces are one of three stumbling blocks with Nick right now and Mike and I are working on these issues with him a lot.  A nice way of calling these faces is not acting his age.  I like to refer to them as a serious personality disorder.  I was using the word Moron a lot but knew that wasn't effective.  Instead every time he does this I tell him he's not acting his age.  The other two issues we're working on his Nick's argumentative nature and his one upping.  He's a work in progress. 

                                                                 Nick and Faith. 

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