Friday, May 9, 2014

Some must haves at 40

I have some "things" that are a must have in my soon to be 40 year old little world.  Some other 40 year old women may have no use for any of these but for me personally, Yeah, I gotta have 'em.

A strong spiritual life - a definite must have. 
Panty liners - sad but true.  I gave birth twice and neither of them were C-sections, just saying.
A really good moisturizer
A strong hair care line.  My hair is thick, curly and unmanageable.  My hair costs me a lot of money.
A friend who knew me when I was 20..........Mary and Jenny
Eye brow waxing........a must have about every 5 weeks or so.
A really, really good calendar system
Jag Jeans - they rock
Good vodka.
A good set of Spanx!  They rock right along with my Jag Jeans
45 minute daily phone conversations with my momma......Laugh or roll your eyes but this 40 year old loves her momma. 

In less than 24 hours I'll be 40!  I'll post pics over the weekend.

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