Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Opposites attract

Every parent who has more than one child is often amazed that the same parents can produce such different children but in my household it was makes me laugh more than anything.  I love the differences between my boys.  Recently we had Jay and Nick's parent teacher conferences which were good.  I was telling my mom a few of the details and as she was laughing hysterically she told me I really needed to document Jay and Nick's little quirks because not only are they amusing (to me at least) but they are complete opposite.  

*Nick gets up in the morning and is POKEY!  Jay jumps out of bed, wasting no time!
*Jay is first in the car.  Nick is last and usually Jay is yelling at Nick to hurry it up. 
*Nick is the clown at school.  His kindergarten teacher told me she really enjoys Nick, he just needs to work at staying on task (once again POKEY) and limit the socializing.  Jay's teacher reported he is one of the quietest kids and rarely raises his hand to ask questions. 
*When I pull up at school to drop the boys off, Nick is usually frantically beating on the window, telling one of his friends to wait for him so he can walk in with them.  Meanwhile, Jay has already jumped out of the car and like a bolt of lightening dashes into the school. 
*The lunch issue is another story.  Nick spends his lunch time talking.  Jay eats if it's something good.  When I pick the boys up from school Nick is usually eating his sandwich on the drive home - talking in between bites. 

Opposites - it's what makes the world go around and I'm sure glad the Lord blessed me with my opposite boys.  What is so cool is even though the boys are so different they are thick as thieves.  Jay would never admit it but he doesn't know what to do with himself when Nick is gone. 

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