Thursday, January 5, 2012

Mild weather indeed

Today it was 50 degrees in central Illinois!  This is unheard of in January.  The weather today was like "teasing" day in March - the kind where it gets just warm enough to remind us that spring is around the corner.  Since it's early January I'm well aware we still have a good 8 weeks of cold winter weather.  Jay went over to a friends house after school with his bike.  Again something neither of my kids get to do in January.  Nick and I took a 45 minute walk around our subdivision and Nick wore a sweatshirt!  Crazy but I'm loving it.  The irony of all this is the fact I now work from home.  I was so looking forward to the first day where the weather was HORRIBLE and I would get up, gaze out the window, smile and make myself another cup of coffee in my cozy home, knowing I would no longer have to battle the weather.  I'm sure that day will come eventually but for now I'm loving the weather and so are my boys!

1 comment:

Steph said...

Us too!!! Ava was able to play outside as I cleaned out my car. I am SCARED about how the rest of winter is going to go!!!!!!!! ;)