Sunday, January 22, 2012

Thoughts on first grade saga continues

It's rare that I blog twice in one day and it's rare I continue the same story but this was worth it to me.  As the day continued I noticed Nick could not let the first grade thing go.  Tonight at dinner he asked if I would be walking him to his classroom in first grade.  Huh?  I told Nick that when the time came of course I would walk him to his first grade class.  I'm pretty obilivious to things but I must admit by the time he asked me that question I was thinking what is it with this boy and first grade?  Finally tonight as I was putting him to bed he told me he thought he was going to first grade tomorrow because tomorrow is the 100th day of school.  Nick just assumed that with the 100th day of school he would graduate to first grade.  My sweet, innocent Nick!  I told him he didn't need to worry he still has many more months of kindergarten left and he won't go into first grade until August.  He seemed so relieved! 

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