Sunday, January 15, 2012

Rock climbing birthday

Jay choose to have a rock climbing birthday party this year.  He invited 3 of his good friends and with Nick it made 5 boys!  We had the party this afternoon.  It started at 2:45 and ended at 7:30 and I am giving myself Kudos tonight because not only did I plan it well but the timing of it was perfect.  We drove the boys to the rock climbing facility and they climbed for 1.5 hours.  Then we headed home for a steak dinner, cake and ice cream and in between that the boys played Laser Tag and they loved it.  The picture above is of Jay climbing 65 feet up the silo! 
Little brother, Nick, attempting to climb the 65 feet.  I think he made it 8 feet but the poor little guy has short legs. 
The boys sitting down to eat dinner.  My mom picked Nick up from rock climbing and he went home with her so it was just the bigger boys in the evening which worked out well.  Jay and his friends are really good to and with Nick when he's around but sometimes it's nice for Jay to just be with his friends.  At one point during the evening Mike heard Jay say, "I just love these kind of days!"  In Jay's world it was a perfect day.  He played in the snow in the morning with his brother, went rock climbing with his best buddies, ate a steak dinner, played laser tag and then had his dessert of choice, a chocolate chip cookie cake.
                                                                                      The Laser Tag Crew

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