Monday, January 2, 2012

Red neck new year

Mike came up with the creative title of my blog today.  We got just a wee bit of snow today but it was enough for the boys to break out the four wheeler, tie the sled to the back of it and have some good times.  I liked my title but I gotta tell you, "Brotherly Joy" came in a distant second.  My boys can fight and carry on and send me over the edge but as much as they fight they equally play together as best friends.  I don't know what they would do without each other.  They are each other's best play mates and partners in crime.  Jay has had a hard time socially in 4th grade this year - nothing major, just normal kid stuff but he always comes home to his brother who accepts him for who he is and is always willing to play with him.  On the flip side Jay is always up for showing Nick a good time and where else could Nick hitch a ride on a sled on the back of a four wheeler? 
Let the fun begin.  The boys had a ball but it ended badly.  Jay took a turn too tightly and fast and Nick flipped off, hit the log stack and scraped up his back.  As I'm writing this there is a lot of complaining coming from the couch and Nick just barked at me...."Mom, shouldn't you be making dinner right now?"  I guess I better get to it.  My boys are hungry from an active day in the snow and some minor injuries. 

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