Monday, October 10, 2011

The Weekend - Part II

Yesterday we went to my Uncle Mike's farm.  It's about a 2 hour drive but it was worth every second we spent in the car.  Jay rode his four wheeler for hours around Mike's farm and we enjoyed the beautiful weather and time with family.  The picture above is my 82 year old grandparents.  My grandpa just recently bought this scooter.  It just cracks me up to think of my grandpa riding around town on his scooter. 
Wa-la a picture with me in it. 
Jay was all smiles yesterday.  It was the perfect day in Jay's world: having his family together, beautiful weather and a big, wide open space to ride his four wheeler.  The picture above is of my Uncle Mike and grandpa with Jay.
I just love these two.  This is Nick and Kaylee.  Kaylee is my cousin Amber's little girl.  Her and Nick are exactly same the age.  Kaylee is a February birthday and Nick is an April birthday so they are about 6 weeks apart in age.  They had a lot of fun together riding their bikes around. 
There is nothing like family!  Here's my mom and my grandpa taking a cruise on the Gator.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Sounds like the perfect weekend! We had one of those this weekend and I am sad it is coming to an end. Holden has been sitting next to me on the couch asking questions as I caught up on your posts. He was excited to realize the boys are Lauren's cousins. He says to tell Nick he is happy that Slithers is feeling better. ;)