Sunday, January 16, 2011

9 years and counting

I really struggled to come with a creative title for my blog today. I comtemplated using 9 oz (as Jay was 5 lbs, 9 oz. when he was born) or 9 great things about Jay! But instead I used 9 years and counting because when I thought about it, if Jay goes out on his own or to college when he's 18 then he's lived half his life at home and we have only 9 more short years with him in our daily lives. Happy 9th birthday, Jay!! I love you tons. The picture above is Jay with his new snowboard we got him. He LOVED it. One of Jay's greatest gift(s) is his physical abilities. He got on that board and never fell once. He glided down the hills like he's been doing it for years. I told Mike I see a snow skiing trip in our future. He'll probably take to that like a duck to water. Ha.
We did things a little different this year. Normally we go to the water park but we've had to put that trip off for the time being. Jay's infection in his finger hasn't cleared up and his doctor advised us not to go. Jay was disappointed but he knows we'll reschedule the trip. He was still spoiled. The picture above is him on the "saddle" at Texas Roadhouse, his favorite restaurant.
Jay requested his favorite breakfast, chocolate chip pancakes!

This picture nearly took my breath away because it makes Jay look so grown up, especially when he's standing next to his 4 year old brother. Jay is really growing into a nice young man. Okay, I totally just felt like a grandma saying that but it's true, he's a good kid who is growing way too fast.

Mike's parents got him a new sled. When you have a January birthday 3 weeks after Christmas then you get "winter/snow" related gifts. Ha. Jay was happy with all his gifts and even though we didn't get to go to the water park he seemed to enjoy himself just the same. He snowboarded, sledded, worked on his pine wood derby car and had some good grub at Texas Roadhouse - truly a great day in Jay's world!!


Nathan and Megan said...

Happy Birthday, Jay! I was curious as to whether or not you are still doing traditional scrapbooking or just the blog & then printing it our having it made into a book? I have been doing just the blog since I started in July 2008 & then printing it off. Just thought I'd ask. Enjoy celebrating your boy! They are the best, aren't they? I love being a "Boys' Mama" :0)

The Stille's said...

he is so grown up. These pictures are sooo cute. I can't believe you made him hold up 9 fingers....pretty soon he won't have enough fingers.

Steph said...

Happy Birthday Jay!! I got a little teary eyed reading your post. So sweet and crazy how time does fly!!!