Sunday, January 9, 2011

E.R. "Adventures"

Throughout my almost 9 years of having boys I've only had to make two trips to the emergency room and both trips have involved my older son! I don't think that's too bad considering I have very active, fearless boys. The first trip was when Jay was two and he thought he could use his nightlight as a step-stool to look out his window at a tractor. He quickly learned it wasn't a good idea as his foot crashed down on broken glass. That E.R. visit required some stitches but it all healed fine and dandy. Jay is no stranger to needles or dr's offices in general. Jay has been by far my more "sickly" child. He had tubes put in at 11 months, a wart surgically removed from his foot & his tonsils and adnoids came out when he was seven. Earlier this week we thought Jay simply jammed his finger but yesterday morning he woke up in a lot of pain but we weren't certain if the finger was infected. I was hoping to get through the weekend and take Jay to the doctor first thing Monday but no such luck. Jay and I were headed to the E.R. at midnight and he was in agony - poor thing. Normally, Mike does the E.R. thing, aka needles but the boys and I were spending the night with my mom last night, just for fun. The good thing was we were a lot closer to the hospital! When we got the E.R. we were greeted with high pitched screams from a patient. Jay's eyes got bigger and bigger from sheer terror. Turns out it was an intoxicated patient who had to be restrained! Needless to say that patient wasn't helping matters with my scared 8 year old. Two hours later after x-rays and needles I learned Jay has a hair-line fracture and an infection. His finger had to be drained with a giant needle and put in a splint. I was really proud of him though. Jay is quite a trooper. He handles pain well and is very brave. I'm happy to report he's better today - pain wise - but tomorrow we have to take him to the orthopedic doctor for a follow up. And all this just in time for his 9th birthday!

1 comment:

Katie said...

What a trooper! The phrase, "drained with a giant needle" makes me feel a little faint!!! We have been to the ER a) when Holden was 9 mos. and fell off our bed, and b) on a weekend when his temp. was above 103. I have a feeling Hunter may raise the frequency quite a bit; he is WILD and just today, for example, has injured/bumped/bruised his head a total of 6 times. Oh, the life of a mom with boys. :)