Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cuts, bruises, fractures & more

A few weeks ago I blogged that Jay had fractured his finger but that he also had an infection in that same finger. He was put on two rounds of anti-botics and Mike (thank goodness for my husband and his work schedule) took him to an orthopedic doctor three times - all the while, this doctor's main concern was Jay's infection. Here we are three weeks later and Jay's infection hasn't cleared up. The doctor surmises the infection is in his nail now and he's referring Jay to a hand surgeon. Jay is well aware of what will happen and he told him tonight that this time he's insisting they put him "under" for the next procedure. I can't blame him. After the ER incident a few weeks ago, it's not his idea of a good time to be faced with a big, giant needle again. And this time they may have to remove the nail. January is clearly the month for injuries in the Siebert household because Mike accidentally drilled a hole in his hand last week. It didn't go all the way through but it left a huge gash that he's really had to nurse. Mike was helping the Cub Scout boys with their pine wood derby cars and as he was drilling one of the cars, he was also talking at the same time - well you get the picture. It's so unlike Mike though - to make a mistake like that. Thankfully his would is healing nicely and he doesn't have an infection. Between Jay's visits to the eye doctor, the orthodontist, the orthopedic and now the hand surgeon it's been a busy month for us.
On another note I wrote a quick blog last night that I ended up deleting this morning. My mom caught a glimpse of it (before I deleted it) and said she liked the blog. I told her I had deleted it because I thought I was too negative. She laughed and reminded me I'm human and reassured me the tone of my email wasn't negative. I will admit the goal of that particular blog was to just be real and besides that, how many times do I say in my blog that I don't like to sugar coat things? So, this is enough blogging for tonight but in a few days I'll go back and "recap" what I wrote last night. I also have a special surprise to post in a week or so but I have to talk to my mom before I do it. Ha - Got your attention, didn't I? Stay tuned.


Steph said...

My blog roll showed your post and it shows a little snippet of the post so I got about the first sentence(or less) but when I clicked on it, it was no longer there...Anyway, I WONDERED!! I figured you probably deleted it. No one cares! I certainly don't!!! =) I know we all feel the same way at times! And I'm so sick of JANUARY! Thankfully it did seem to go by pretty fast.

Katie said...

HA! Your stalker, Katie, here and I saw a little snippet last night too and then it wasn't there! Way to leave us hanging!!! :) Hope all went well with Jay's surgery and sure praying for Kim, too.