Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The dry ice incident

Recently Mike purchased food from Omaha Steaks. The food came packed in dry ice. I am not familiar with dry ice but apparently it dissolves in water - I guess. If Mike were reading this he would tell me that if I actually paid attention during his "teaching" moments I might actually learn something but truth be told, he gets all "Mythbusters" on me and I tune him out. Anyway, when I got home from work him and the boys were doing anything they could to dissolve the dry ice. At one point Mike put the ice in a water bottle, took it outside and wanted to blow it up. I was like "Really guys!"
Notice all the "smoke" in the sink. The boys loved it. My home was filled with gales of laughter - all my smoke!

My kitchen was starting to look like the scene from "The Wizard of Oz" at the end of the movie when Dorothy visits the wizard. Notice Mike in the background blowing in the sink, trying to make more smoke. Those boys of mine crack me up. They are always up to something from stuffing frogs into birdhouses to playing in the mud to turning my kitchen into a smoke-house. Gotta love 'em.


Katie said...

That is hilarious! Such a guy thing to do. I bet the boys loved it!

Steph said...

Yay! I'm all caught up on your blog. =)

LOMO Family said...

I always love reading about the antics at your house :)