Monday, January 3, 2011

Jay's great loves - for 3rd grade anyways!

Every January I get a little sentimental about my first born and it's not because it's a new year, it's because January is his birthday month and he'll be 9 years old very soon. What a wonderful 9 year old boy he is! I won't sugar coat (there's that word again, sorry I tend to over use it) it, 3rd grade has probably been the most challenging for him and I. I push forward one step, he pushes back two steps more. I'm trying to give him some space but I desperately miss his separation anxiety (from his momma) days. Ha! Jay has a few great loves of his life right now and they include: Shiloh (the book), Legos and the TV show, Arthur! My mom bought Jay Shiloh this summer and he loved it. Since that time he's read the book himself at school and I think Shiloh has only deepened his desire for his own dog but that's another blog. Just the other day we turned on the TV to find Shiloh, the TV movie. When Judd Traver's came on, Jay said, "Judd Travers looks just like I imagined he would." Jay also loves legos. If you would have told me 4 years ago that Jay would spend hours sitting at his lego table building I would have told you you were CRAZY. But that is exactly what he does. During Christmas break that boy lived in his jammies at his lego table, building, organizing, etc...I could hardly get him to take a bath and out of his jammies. Moving on to Arthur. Let me just say Arthur has made me want to donate to PBS! I LOVE that show. It's about a group of 3rd graders and I love how they tackle 3rd grade subjects from bullying, siblings, parents and Mr. Rathburn, the teacher. The message is always is a good one. In Jay's world there is nothing that makes him happier than watching back to back Arthur while sitting at his lego table building!

1 comment:

Katie said...

This gives me hope that one day Holden will be able to sit still long enough to build legos! We have some of the big lego blocks and he loves to make towers or "traps," etc. for his cars but this lasts 10 minutes at the MOST. Ditto for any type of board game. :) I'm not too anxious though...I love that he still has the separation anxiety at times. They grow too quickly. Hope 9 is a great year for Jay!