Friday, January 28, 2011

The finger situation

Jay's finger infection went from bad to worse on Wednesday. We found out that he indeed had staph infection that had gotten into his finger bone. We were told we needed to act quickly because we risked the infection getting into his blood stream - very scary. When I'm nervous I sweat. My shirts were completely pitted out by late Thursday afternoon! It's a totally gross thing but some people pace, some people get really quiet (this is what Jay does) but I sweat. Jay had surgery yesterday at 2:30 and it all went well. The doctor said the infection had made some of the bone unhealthy but he irrigated it and Jay has been on IV meds overnight in the hospital. The doctor is confident this should clear up the staph infection and Jay's finger should heal just fine. It was a very scary 36 hours though. My boy was so brave! I was really proud of him. And he touched my heart this morning. I was helping him get to the bathroom - people who have had surgery or a baby know the drill - you have to get the IV situated and because both of Jay's hands are "indisposed" he needs help with cutting his food, going to the bathroom, getting dressed, etc.....Anyway, after I helped him go to the bathroom he looked at me with his big brown eyes and said, "Thanks for helping me mom, I'm really glad you were here with me." Really, where else would I be but it felt good to hear it from him.
To make this story more amusing, my sister was admitted to the hospital yesterday for preterm labor. My mom spent the day going from Jay's room to Kim's. I also have good news to report about Kim. Her labor is under control and she and Jay have bets as to who will be released from the hospital first. We'll see who wins.


Steph said...

OH MY GOSH! So scary. I love your stories. Jay is so sweet. And Kim...I hope she gets out SOON!

Katie said...

How scary, Amy!!! I would have been pitting out to my elbows!!!!! I sweat when I am nervous, too. What a sweet comment from him. Poor guy! So glad to hear things went well and that Kim is stable, too. You guys have had quite an adventurous week! I bet your mom has a few more gray hairs.