Saturday, January 15, 2011

Mary Penguin's trip to Hawaii

My dear friend Mary is such a good sport, hence why Nick named his beloved penguin Mary! I wanted to mail Mary Penguin to Mary before she left for Hawaii but time ran out. Nick was not happy with me. Mary, being the wonderful friend that she is and not wanting Nick to be upset, suggested I email her a picture of Mary Penguin (thank goodness for technology) so I did and wa-la Mary had a printed picture of Mary Penguin that she took with her to Hawaii. When Nick saw the picture he said, "I knew Mary Penguin would have a weally, weally good time."
On a side note, don't Mary and John look so happy? The glow of newlyweds!


Katie said...

That is too funny!

Nathan and Megan said...

HILARIOUS! I love your blog. You document so much & you will love having this as the boys grow. Thank you for commenting on my blog! Megan

Steph said...

I LOVE IT!!!! That is so cute. And I'm totally jealous - wish I was in Hawaii! HEHE