Sunday, December 23, 2012

A hodge podge blog

A few funny things have happened lately in our house.  About two weeks ago I told Nick that Santa called me so I could warn Nick that he was really close to being placed on the bad list - Yes, folks I did this!  It got Nick's attention and his behavior has improved.  Everyday since then he's askd me if Santa has called.  My response is always the same, No and no news is good news, Nick, it means you're stll on the good list.  Nick did stop asking about a day ago when his behavior got a little more silly for my liking.  I guess it's to be expected that a 6 year old boy would get a little wound three days before Christmas.  Then about a week ago Jay lost a tooth.  I suspect Jay knows the truth about the toothfairy and Santa but thankfully he keeps it to himself.  The night he lost his tooth it was late.  I told him to put the tooth out so the toothfairy could pick it up.  Well the toothfairy didn't set an alarm and overslept - leaving Jay's tooth in the same place wit no money the next morning.  Jay wasn't too disappointed.  I simply told Jay he had lost his tooth so late that the toothfairy didn't have enough notice to get to our house.  The next night he laid his tooth out again and this time the toothfairy delivered the mo-la but forgot to take the tooth.  I think the toothfairy feels she has enough of the Siebert boys teeth - does she really need another one?  In any case Jay was happy with the $1.  On Dec. 18 Copper spent the night at my mom's house.  Copper and Jay are night time buddies.  She sleeps with Jay every night.  As I was tucking Jay into bed that night (without Copper) he seemed really sad without his dog.  I reminded him his dog was with his nana and she would be home the following day.  Jay's response, "I know mom but you just never know what can happen in the city."  I cracked up. 
Moving onto to the illnesses in our family.  Our sickness is just the normal stuff and we aren't dealing with anything horrible which I am so thankful for.  Jay has managed to stay well.  I had horrible cold-flu symptoms in early December which got passed to Mike.  Nick had it also and has it again.  He missed the last day of school before Christmas break began.  Then to top it off my knees are cracking and my back is whacked.  It's so annoying.  I do need to focus on losing weight in the new year but I don't consider myself an obese cow - which is how my knees and back are making me feel.  Grrrrrr!  I've had a herniated disc in my back since 2006 and when it flares up, it's awful but thankfully it resolves itself within a few days.  I'll probably just be hobbling around on Christmas eve and day.  Back pain is for the birds!

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