Friday, December 7, 2012

Random December thoughts

December always flies by but doesn't it for most parents?  For kids it seems to drag on in the anticipation that Christmas is coming.  I find my mind is spinning throughout the day - trying to stay on top of my "to do" list.  A few years ago I thought it wold be a "good" idea to make red velvet cakes for people - like 6 of them!  This year I decided I was making one cake for the teacher's at Jay and Nick's school.  I am sending out 40 Christmas cards instead of 60.  And last night when I was at a store I simply picked up three gift cards (for my teacher gifts).  I am trying to simplify my list and get things done when I can.  So far so good.  On an entertaining note I went to paint pottery with Nick last night.  It was a delight.  He and I really enjoyed it and it's something we'll do again.  When we got home Nick was eating a cup cake.  He asked me if I had a wedding dress.  HUH?  I said No, I got rid of my wedding dress, why?  His response, "Because this cup cake is so good I want to marry it."  He makes me laugh.  Jay has been busy, busy with basketball.  He is really enjoying it this year and he's improved leaps and bounds.  That boy can run down that court like lightening.  And the highlight:  During one game last week he scored a three pointer!  His face had a look of shock and then his arms went straight up in the air.  It was quite a moment!  We have much to be thankful this December.  Mike and I are both employed, our children are healthy and we have extended family close by.  In preparation of the birth of Christ I try to keep all these blessing close to my heart.

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