Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Jack the elf

Okay, Okay so this isn't the real elf on the shelf.  Let me explain.  I've been hearing about elf on the shelf for years now.  I should have purchased him years ago as my window of opportunity has almost expired at this point.  But I realized if anyone could appreciate the elf on a shelf concept it's my Nick.  So I purchased Mr. Elf (affectionately named Jack by Nick) for a whole lot cheaper and the boys found him in Mike's underwear drawer this morning with a note attached to him saying he was sent by Santa from the North Pole to watch the boys' behavior this season.  Jay immediately said, "Mom, you put him in here."  I didn't lie, after all Jay is in 5th grade. he knows how the game is played but I asked him if he liked using his imagination and having fun during the christmas season.  He replied he did so I quickly told him that's exactly what I'm doing......using my imagination and having fun and to play along with Nick and I and enjoy it - laugh with us!  Jay quickly checked Mr. Elf's tag and pointed out he was made in Vietnam, not the North Pole.  Just the same, Nick loves Jack and is sleeping with him tonight, the fact that Jack is "cuddly" is an added bonus.  At some point during the night Jack will need to fly out of Nick's bed and find a new hiding place for the  morning.  Something tells me Jack is dying to sit on a four wheeler!

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