Sunday, December 4, 2011

One tough week

It's been a really difficult week.  I don't want to go into great detail because there are some things (although not very many, ha) in Jay and Nick's life I like to keep private and should keep private as their mother but trust me, it was one of the most challenging weeks with both of them for entirely different reasons.  I found myself feeling really down in the dumps all day yesterday and I was reminded of people who are dealing with so much more and I felt guilty.  The things I'm dealing with is normal and it will pass.  I'm thankful my children are healthy and I'm thankful that when life does get tough for them that they have a loving home to come home to.  I remember when I was little and things would get tough.  It was such a relief to come home to the comfort of my mom's loving arms and my dad's comforting car rides.  I stopped feeling sorry for myself after a long 24 hours of stewing and started counting my blessings.  After all isn't that what Christmas is all about? 

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