Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The six month verdict

On May 20 I walked out of my former office building for the last time - after working in that building for 13 years and being an employee for 16 years.  I was about to embark on a new opportunity where my morning commute required me to walk down my basement steps into my amazing office.  Was I scared?  Maybe a little but it was an instant fit for me.  I really like my new boss and my new co-workers and I adjusted to working from home in about two seconds.  Some people ask me if I miss the social aspect of working in an office and the answer is NO and I'm a social person and I made some real friendships with my former co-workers so I do not want to act like I don't miss them because I do but overall there is nothing I miss about working in an office - other than just seeing the smiling faces of my good friends that I use to work with.  I knew that once I had been with my company for 6 months I would know if I had done the right thing.  I like to tell people I have made 4 really good decisions in my life and accepting this job was the 5th!  It has been a good fit for me and I think it's been a good fit for my company too.  I still work a full day but I can balance my day and I really like that.  My most peaceful time of day is during the early morning hours when the boys are still sleeping.  I get my coffee, dim my office lights, read my devotionals, listen to christmas music (this time of year anyway) and start my work.  It's such a refreshing way to start my day.  There is no pressure to race out the door, fight the weather or yell at the boys because we have a time line to adhere to.  Sure I still have to get them to school on time but our pace in the morning is slower and more relaxed and that my friends is a really good thing!


Nathan and Megan said...

I love this. It seems like a perfect fit. You go, girl!

Katie said...

Glad you are so happy! Loved the post about Lauren's bday. Man, does time fly. And LOL at the comment about being on Santa's naughty list! a Mommy of boys the same age differences as yours, who are just younger right now...I am currently the one who tells myself things will get easier when I do not have a toddler throwing massive meltdowns every 5 seconds. Don't tell me there will be more problems after this! HA! ;)