Thursday, January 8, 2015

Just another day in paradise

Warning: Before reading this, one must be advised that my usual Susie sunshine attitude will not be reflected in this blog.  Read with caution.
It is snow day #2.  My children have no concept of below zero weather.  Yesterday they would have spent most of the day outside, if their mother would have let them.  They four wheeled in the snow, rode bikes in the snow (kid you not), shoveled and built forts.  It's all in a days work for the Siebert boys.  I would make them come in every 20-30 minutes, much to their dismay.  At one point during the day I offered to gear up and take the boys on a four wheeling/sled ride.  Jay scrunched up his face and replied, "No offense, mom, but we don't like to go with you, you're not that much fun, you and all your rules."  I wanted to tell him where to shove it.  I didn't relish the idea of going out in sub below zero temperatures anyway.  After a long day of juggling work and two very energy driven boys and dogs I thought I would curl up in our new family bean bag chair, with a book in front of the fire.  My first mistake was thinking there would be any peace in doing that.  The minute I got comfortable and warm, Mike cuddles up to me and starts passing gas.  Suddenly my warm bean bag smelled extremely foul.  The boys got their remote controlled helicopters that they began zipping around my face.  One even "clipped" me on the ear.  The dogs were up in my face and the entire situation was really getting on my nerves.  I was suddenly regretting my decision to not drink any alcohol this week (trying to give that up in order to lose some holiday weight).  Needless to say I am praying the boys go back to school tomorrow! 

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