Monday, January 5, 2015

Signs it was time to go back to school

The boys went back to school today after two very long but very enjoyable and relaxing two weeks off.  Overall the break went smoothly and I was thankful we had a busy weekend this past weekend but I did do a happy dance when I dropped the boys at school this morning.  I knew things were dicey when I heard and witnessed:
*Jay trying to smother Nick with a bean bag chair
*Jay telling Nick that when he picks up Cole's poop in the yard, he mistakes it for ice cream and eats it - which just enrages Nick.
*Nick saying to me, "Mom."  Me playing along, "What." Nick's response, "Chicken Butt," while laughing hysterically
*Bickering over who is or isn't using the Xbox.
*Last night Mike had to tell the boys that they had to stay at least 5 feet away from each other at all times - or at least until they got their hinnies back in school. 
*The many conversations I've had with the boys over break to BRUSH THEIR TEETH.  Never did I think I would be so consumed with teeth.

And so it goes.  The break was very relaxing which this family really needed but all good things must come to an end and for that I'm grateful to have the boys back to school! 

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