Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Day 10 COVID 19 - History is made

As we enter day 10 of this pandemic just after midnight this morning our government finally reached an agreement for biggest stimulus package the U.S. has ever seen, $2 trillion dollars in aid to be exact.  This money will go to help those suffering the worst from this disaster.  I am relieved an agreement has been made but as of late this afternoon there are rumblings the dems don't like parts of the bill and it remains to be seen if it actually gets passed.  I pray it does.
Americans and small businesses need it to pass.  New York is the biggest hit state of all with 56% of the cases.  As of this morning we have 55,000 confirmed cases with 801 deaths.  President Trump is cautiously optimistic the country will be "back in business" by Easter.  To me it seems like an unrealistic goal but I go back to what I know and that's a whole lot of nothing.  What I do know is I serve an awesome God who is still in the business of performing miracles.  For now I will continue to pray for physical and spiritual healing for my country and we'll see what unfolds in the weeks to come.
Mike and I continue to work.  My job is very quiet which is no surprise.  Day to day life right now is well kind of boring but I am thankful to be working when so many others are unable to.  The weather today started out as overcast but eventually the sun came out and Nick was able to fish.  The last few evenings the sun has peaked out for just a bit, enough to tease us before it goes down and darkness unfolds.

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