Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Day 2 - Covid 19

We made it through day 2.  I'm thankful that the sun was out today.  Nick and I took a walk.  Our school district has parked busses throughout our communities for kids to get WIFI.  Mike and I voted in our primary.  Jay worked on installing new speakers in his truck and Nick did hang out with one friend today.  According to the CDC we should not have gatherings more than 10 people.  I worked and Mike worked.  I am so thankful for that!  I called my sister today and she was screaming at her children.  I'm pretty certain most mothers throughout the country screamed just a bit today.  This is all new territory for us.  I screamed at Nick yesterday!  In the midst of all these unknowns I do see the best of Americans.  We always seem to rise to the occasion.  I see people helping the elderly, who are most at risk.  I see my husband give a police officer rubber gloves because he needs them more than Mike.  I see people trying to buy curbside food as much as possible since dine in restaurants are closed down.  What makes me sad right now is Jay.  Jay is a senior.  Our local university just cancelled classes for the rest of the semester.  Soon that decision will trickle down to the local school districts.  All the students who worked so hard to participate in their final sporting or extra circular event is gone.  Prom more than likely won't happen and a graduation ceremony is unknown.  These were all kids who were born post 9/11.  They were born right after a crises and will graduate right after one as well.  On a personal level Jay doesn't seem too upset by the current school closings but about two weeks ago when I asked him about how he felt knowing he only had a few months left of school he said without missing a beat, "I'm excited and nervous."  His future is unknown right now. We know he's going to our local junior college but he's also applied for apprenticeships so we'll see.  What I do know in all this is we need to stay tethered to God and His plans.  It's sometimes hard to see in the current mess we are in but He's at work and I know He is faithful.

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