Saturday, March 21, 2020

Day 6 COVID -19; Shelter in Place

As we move into our first weekend dealing with this pandemic I am thankful for our health.  I am blessed Mike and I are still working especially after yesterday when our Governor issued a "Shelter in place," order.  What does this mean?  It means more "non essential" businesses must close and people need to hunker down at home.  My hair dresser texted me asking for prayers as she had to shut her doors yesterday.  Mike and Jay continue to work as Mike is a carpenter and Jay works for a company that sells "essential" goods.  My mom is doing great, another blessing.  Kim and I made sure her fridge was stocked and Walker is another huge blessing.  She says all the time she doesn't know what she would have done without him this winter and now during this pandemic.  Mom and Walker are each others sidekicks.  Now for the heavy stuff.  My heart is just breaking today.  I knew when all this started that it would get worse before it got better and it has.  Spring break has been cancelled for so many.  People aren't working.  Small businesses are suffering.  People (including us) have lost thousands in their retirement savings.  It will take a very long time for us to recover financially.  The freedoms we once enjoyed are temporarily gone.  What I wasn't prepared for is the personal hits some of my dearest friends have taken.  It's one thing after another.  One of my friends is dealing with a big family issue involving her granddaughter.  My dear friend, Mary, was in tears yesterday over a work issue.  Mary is beyond brave and recently put in her resignation at her company to start working real estate full time and this happens, the economy sinks in a matter of a week.  I know she will be okay, in fact she'll be better than okay but she is hurting now, therefore I am hurting.  Another friend of mine is going through a break up.  And today Kenny Rogers died.  My dad loved Kenny Rogers.  One thing that brought a smile to my face today is thinking of my dad singing "The Gambler" in heaven with Kenny.  At night my anxiety comes out in full force.  I worry what our future will look like.  In six months from now will Mike and I still be working?  How many people are going to die from this terrible virus?  Will anyone in my family get it?  What if mom gets it?  I worry about our President and Vice President and their health.  For a long time you had to be living in a hole not to see the breakdown of our moral compass in this country.  I'm sure many Americans, myself included, prayed that God would intervene on our behalf.  I've prayed for God to intervene before and boy did He deliver.  It was rough for a time but eventually we made our way out of it and we were better because of it.  I truly believe this for America.  My prayer is we will make it out of this and we will be stronger and more united.

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