Sunday, March 15, 2020

Two Years Later......and pure madness

This blog has two parts to it.  I didn't want today to go by without remembering my dad.  Two years ago dad went home to be with Jesus.  A lot has changed in two years and today as I write the world as I know it has lost its mind (more on that later).  Some days it feels like dad has been gone longer than two years but other days it feels like just yesterday that I would visit him in the nursing home.  I miss him but I'm comforted knowing he is finally home living his best life in glory with no pain.
About two weeks ago we started hearing about a virus that hit China, the Coronavirus.  In no time it made its way to America.  Our country has completely shut down.  I blame the media for creating mass hysteria.  Schools have been shut down.  My boys are now out of school for at least 2 weeks.  Illinois just shut down all restaurants and bars in the entire state.  People are buying toliet paper like their life depended on it - even though the virus is a respiratory disease and diarrhea is not part of the equation.  Last night Mike and I went to Walmart and found the toliet paper aisle had been wiped clean, no pun intended.  The junk food aisle was empty but the aisles with protein bars and health food was stocked full, as was all the produce.  I just have to shake my head at the ignorance.  Rumor is schools might be shut down for 8 weeks.  That remains to be seen.  It's not that I don't think the social distancing is a good idea and I do agree that precautions should be taken but shutting down restaurants and bars, which will clearly affect the lives of so many who depend on their service jobs for their livelihood.  It's simply a measure I don't agree with.  We have become a mass of people prone to panic,  gullible to the black box that sits in our living rooms and the social media gibberish that indoctrinates our feeds.

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