Sunday, March 22, 2020

Day 7 - COVID 19, Throw Your Crown Down

Originally I was going to title this blog, "COVID 19 - According to Nick." Honestly we are all so bored it's a wonder I have anything to blog about but Nick looks at this pandemic with a great perspective and then this morning I listened to our pastor on line and his message went right along with Nick's view so I thought I'd share.  Yesterday Nick went for a ride on his four wheeler.  When he came home he told me he thought this pandemic is bringing out the very best in people.  He elaborated by saying that during his ride he noticed several families out walking their dogs.  Most times Nick will only notice one or two people out during his rides and they are walking by themselves or with their dogs but yesterday he said entire families were out together, talking and laughing.  He said everyone waved and greeted him with smiles.  This morning our pastor preached about Jesus being forced to wear the "crown" of thorns which he was mocked with right before he was crucified.  Our pastor specifically referenced Revelations 4:4 which talks about the elders wearing crowns of gold.  They viewed their crowns as their glory.  At the end of the passage the elders give up their crowns and throw them down in front of the throne as an act of worship.  Our pastor asked us what is our glory that we are now being forced to give up?  Is it sports?  Is it time with friends?  Is it our money?  It's anything that takes away from who god is and what he means to us.  This pandemic has forced all of us to just "be" and maybe just maybe we all can examine what crowns we will throw down during this process.  

The picture above is of Nick entertaining himself and us by throwing dog treats and seeing which dog catches them first.  Cole won but Copper had her fair share also.

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