Tuesday, March 31, 2020

E-Learning begins

Our school district has done such a good job with how they communicated this next phase in education which is like none other we've ever seen.  I can't speak specifically for Jay, after all he's a senior and 18.  For the record I did see him working on his e-learning today.  Nick has a "live" interactive/virtual classroom everyday from 10am to noon with each teacher teaching every 15 minutes.  The picture above is Nick in his English class with his dog, Cole.  It's really Nick and Cole's dream come true; to hang together during class.  
Lately when I turn on the news I start to panic.  The news is just bad and will get worse this week as the death rate and number of cases is expected to peak right before or right after Easter and then should start to go down.  The number of people infected, many who don't even know it, is alarming.  But when I hear these grave statistics, followed up the staggering infections I am filled with peace in knowing with absolute certainly that God will be victorious in all this.  I don't know how all of us will come out of this.  The number of people who lost loved ones, not to mention the number of people who are unemployed is all very hard to comprehend but then I'm reminded once again I know nothing.  I serve a God who is so clearly at work in all this.  My prayer continues to be that God shows mercy on us, that truth is revealed and that he ease the suffering of the sick and those who are mourning the loss of loved ones.

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