Sunday, March 29, 2020

Day 14 & 15, Covid 19 - More time required

Today is Day 14 and Kim and I went to visit dad's grave.  It was sunny but windy and we were glad to get out of the house.  The cemetery was quiet and serene.  It reminded me of all the sacrifices our men and women made for this country and how it ties into what were living today.  I'm very thankful for the folks who are on the front lines fighting this virus everyday. Kim and I are thankful our dad is with Jesus and not living these days in a nursing home.

Tomorrow is actually day 15 but I'm blogging about it today because President Trump announced  that our social distancing will remain in place until at least April 30.  I'm beyond disappointed.  He indicated that in order to keep the death toll under 100,000 it had to be done.  I understand and I never want to take a human life for granted and as Nick pointed out tonight it gives us more time as a family, we get to do what we want and it bonds us closer.  Then he added "and the world isn't ending."  That's debatable.  But I digress.  I know God is in charge and as I blogged the other day I am well aware God doesn't work on our human timeline but I worry about small businesses, Mike included.  Can they stay afloat another 5 weeks and still rebound or are we headed into an economic recession we've never seen before?  All I can do is trust and pray.

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